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Getting Started


FxKit is broken up into the following packages:

It is recommended to add the following global using to make it easy to construct the core data types.

global using static FxKit.Prelude;

This makes functions like Some(value) and Ok(value) available everywhere.


The Unit type

Unit is useful when you need to return a value from a method that doesn't have a meaningful value to return. It's similar to void, but can be used as a value.

public Unit DoSomething()
    // Do something
    return Unit.Value;

    // Alternatively:
    // return default;

The Option type

The Option type is a replacement for nullable types. It can be used to represent a value that may or may not be present.

public Option<string> OnlyNonWhitespace(string? value) =>
        ? None
        : Some(value);

The Result type

The Result type (also commonly known as "Either") can hold either an Ok value or an Err value.

public Result<int, string> Divide(int a, int b) =>
    b == 0
        ? Err("Cannot divide by zero")
        : Ok(a / b);

Released under the MIT License.