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Transformer Generator

When working with stacked types, such as Task<Option<T>>, Result<Option<T>, E>, etc. it can be a pain to operate on the innermost type.

Most of these have auto-generated transformer methods - that is, the method with a T suffix, for example MapT, OkOrElseT, UnwrapT, etc.

var result =
    // <> needed here as compiler cannot infer the error type.
    Ok<Option<string>, string>(Some("Hello"));

// Maps the value in the inner `Option`
Result<Option<int>, string> mapped = result.MapT(x => x.Length);

How it works

Transformers work on the basis of functors. These are types that wrap another generic type, and they provide a function called fmap subject to certain laws which allows us to transform the type of T to another type but without losing the outer type. In C#, Select is the canonical equivalent to fmap.

For example, IEnumerable<T> is a functor because it provides a Select<T, U> that lets us transform an IEnumerable<T> to an IEnumerable<U>.


FxKit supplies both Map and Select, but they do the same thing. The former is nicer to use when chaining, and the latter enables using LINQ like

from x in functor
select x

When working with stacked functors (for example, IEnumerable<Option<T>>), if you want to map the T, you would need to use 2 Map calls:

IEnumerable<Option<int>> source;

source.Map(option => option.Map(item => item * 2));

We know that in order to operate on the innermost type, we always have to call Map on the outermost one. Because of this property always holding true for functors, we can automate it away by generating T-suffixed wrapper methods.

source.Map(option => option.Unwrap());
// becomes

FxKit already ships with transformer methods generated for the functors it defines.

Generating transformers

To generate transformers for your own types, the type must satisfy the following:

  1. It must be marked as a [Functor].
  2. It must provide an implementation of Map in the form of an extension method.
  3. There must be no type parameter collision.
using FxKit.CompilerServices;

namespace App;

public record Box<T>(T Item);

public static class Box
    // Map the value held within the box.
    [GenerateTransformer] // will have a transformer generated for it, and will be used by generated transformers.
    public static Box<U> Map<T, U>(this Box<T> source, Func<T, U> selector) =>
        new Box<U>(selector(source.Item));

Now you can add [GenerateTransformer] to any method that fits the following criteria:

  1. Is an extension method.
  2. The first parameter is the type (functor).
public static class MoreBoxExtensions
    public static T Unwrap(this Box<T> box) => box.Item;

This will now result in MapT and UnwrapT-variants being generated for every known functor type in your project.

var box = new Box<int>(2);
var outer = Task.FromResult(box);
Task<Box<string>> mapped = outer.MapT(x => x.ToString());
Task<string> unwrapped = mapped.UnwrapT();
var box = new Box<int>(2);
IEnumerable<Box<int>> outer = new[] { box };
IEnumerable<Box<string>> mapped = outer.MapT(x => x.ToString());
IEnumerable<string> unwrapped = mapped.UnwrapT();

External types

The transformer generator will consider project references as well as external assembly references when discovering functors. When a project uses the transformer generator, the following assembly attribute is emitted:

[assembly: FxKit.CompilerServices.ContainsFunctors]

This is used to quickly scan all references for whether they contain functors. If they do, the generator scans the assembly for all types marked as [Functor] as well as any Map method that operates on any known functors.


Currently, transformers are not generated for external types' [GenerateTransformer] methods. For example, if you define a MyCustomFunctor<T> with a Map, the generated transformer goes only one way. You would get a Option<MyCustomFunctor<U>> MapT but not a MyCustomFunctor<Option<T>> MapT.

This is done to make sure we don't potentially generate ambiguous methods. This limitation may be lifted in the future.

Type parameter collision

When generating transformers, it's important to be mindful of type parameter collisions.

Imagine the following 2 types that we will generate transformers for:

struct Result<T, E>;

struct Validation<T, E>;

Naturally, they each have an implementation of Map with a signature like:

public static Result<R, E> Map<T, E, R>(
    this Result<T, E> source,
    Func<T, R> selector);

public static Validation<R, E> Map<T, E, R>(
    this Validation<T, E> source,
    Func<T, R> selector);

So far so good. Let's pretend we have the following stacked concrete type:

Result<Validation<int, SomeValidationError>, DifferentResultError>

Notice how both the Result and Validation have a different type in their E type parameter. When we need to generate transformers that operate on both types, we'll run into some problems. This is what would be generated:

public static Result<Validation<R, E>, E> MapT<T, E, R, E>(
    this Result<Validation<T, E>, E> source,
    Func<T, R> selector);
  1. The E is declared twice in the MapT<> signature.
  2. The 2nd type argument Validation and Result being E is wrong, it was supposed to be SomeValidationError and DifferentResultError respectively.


The generator will spot the collision and report it as a diagnostic with ID FXKIT0008.

To get around this, the FxKit types which have multiple type parameters use a contextual suffix for their type parameter names:

public struct Result<TOk, TErr>;

public struct Validation<TValid, TInvalid>;

Similarly, the Map implementation follows a pattern of using TNew*, like so:

public static Result<TNewOk, TErr> Map<TOk, TErr, TNewOk>(
    this Result<TNewOk, TErr> source,
    Func<TOk, TNewOk> selector);

public static Validation<TNewValid, TInvalid> Map<TValid, TInvalid, TNewInvalid>(
    this Validation<TValid, TInvalid> source,
    Func<TValid, TNewValid> selector);

We can now generate the transformer without type parameter name collisions:

public static Result<Validation<TNewValid, TInvalid>, TErr> MapT<TValid, TInvalid, TNewValid, TErr>(
    this Result<Validation<TValid, TInvalid>, TErr> source,
    Func<TValid, TNewValid> selector);

Transformers for Task

The Task type is probably the most common "outer" type in a type stack in most real-world programs. Additionally, async is used very frequently, therefore, special methods exist that allow returning Tasks such as MapAsync, FlatMapAsync, MapAsyncT, FlatMapAsyncT to name a few.

For example, if you have a Task<Result<int, string>> stacked, if you want to map the int held in the innermost type (the Result) using an async method:

// `value` is the `int`, assuming `SomeAsyncMapping` returns `Task<bool>`:
Task<Result<bool, string>> taskOfResultMapped = stacked.MapAsyncT(
    async value => await SomeAsyncMapping(value))

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